Intuitive coaching


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Intuitive coaching

Is intuitive coaching the same as life coaching?  I get this question all of the time so I figured I would start here. The answer is ….. Yes and no!!!

Intuitive coaching is similar in the aspect that the intention of the end result is ultimately the same.  We follow some of the same principles such as setting goals, looking at habits and limiting beliefs that are holding you back so that you become more satisfied in your life.  However the journey getting there is uniquely different and the way we quantify success is not always the same.

Intuitive coaching is about supporting someone on an inward journey or a series of journeys,  with the ultimate goal of becoming whole and complete.  The process starts with doing the internal work first.  

As an intuitive coach I encourage clients to get out of their head space and drop down into their heart space. This is where the coaching session is conducted from.  Instead of thinking of concrete steps on how to reach a goal.  We hand over what makes sense and we follow what is guided, trusting that each step of the way is purposeful knowing it may not necessarily be in a straight line as in traditional coaching.

By focusing on our inner world,  we can start to heal and overcome the obstacles in the external world that have been keeping one from achieving what they truly desire.  By unwinding our upbringing, how society has impacted us, our thoughts and feelings around our personal life events we can then connect with our inner values and determine our passions. Once we have found our purpose and are in alignment we can set fulfilling goals in any area of life.  Now that the mind, body and soul are connected we are able to seek abundance.  Intuitive coaching helps people overcome obstacles by supporting you to get out of your head and follow your heart which is your soul's compass.   We do this through accessing your intuition.  Helping you break through the blocks that are causing you stress and anxiety and holding you back from reaching your potential.  

Intuitive coaching is highly transformative as it paves the way for a more fulfilling future.  

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